At Eastminster Presbyterian Church, we have a simple hope:
to see people come to know Jesus Christ and grow in their Christian faith.
We have been helping spread God's good news here in our hometown and throughout the world for over 60 years, and we pray that God will continue to use our congregation to spread his word. Whether you've been attending church for years or haven't stepped into a sanctuary in decades, we hope you will come and join us on Sunday.
Located in East York, Pennsylvania, EPC strives to serve the local community in tangible ways. We partner with multiple benevolent organizations and schools in the York area to provide food to families and children. EPC supports worldwide missions through our Presbytery and answers the call to support areas of disaster or tragedy as the need arises.
EPC welcomes families of all configurations and generations, and creates safe spaces for all children and youth to thrive and grow. When you come for the first time to our 10:00 a.m. service, one of our greeters will be glad to help you become comfortable. They'll help you find the nursery (which is fully staffed and safely run), restrooms, sanctuary and, of course, our Friendship Time, which happens both before and after worship in our historic Haines House multipurpose room. Say hello to our pastor and anyone else you see. We'd love to hear your story and share ours with you.
During the service, you'll hear our faith expressed in the songs we sing, prayers we pray and the /sermons preached. All parts of our service are grounded in the Bible. Musically, we have a chancel choir, a bell choir, and solo vocalists and musicians providing a variety of musical offerings at services.
To further nurture our members and EPC friends, we offer Sunday School, Bible studies, prayer groups, and book studies. Located on several acres, EPC has an outdoor worship area that is used weekly throughout the warmer months. On the broader community level, EPC has an outstanding, renown preschool which is located on the church campus in our Education Building. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, EPC has a trained dynamic care/giving ministry to assist others to grow in faith and journey through life crises.
No matter what your Christian background is (or isn't), we will welcome you to worship on Sunday. Come, join us, and increase your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Welcome to Eastminster Presbyterian Church, where you are loved, and you matter.
Let us come into his presence with thanks/giving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
~ Psalm 95:2