The Mission Committee’s ministry supports EPC’s vision by calling each of our members to grow in faith by opening their hearts to the Lord’s call through participation in serving those in need. The committee educates members about special appeals and directs hands-on activities to serve others. The Mission Committee coordinates their budget and efforts with those of the EPC Deacons and the EPC Presbyterian Women.
Some of the current mission appeals and activities include:
• Rise Against Hunger
• Habitat for Humanity
• LifePath Christian Ministries
• Salvation Army
• Crispus Attucks Community Center
• Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen
• Katallasso Family Health Center
• Bell Family Shelter
• Lehman Center & Childrens Aid Society
• Benevolent Association of York
• Missionaries
• One Great Hour of Sharing
• Christmas Joy
• Holiday Gifts and Food Boxes for underprivileged
• Eastminster Cares Backpack Program
• Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
If you are interested in joining this committee or helping with specific events or for more information, contact the church office at 717-755-6222.